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Aaron Rai approaching the 10th Green in the Final Round on his way to winning the 2018 Honma Hong Kong Open.
Aaron Rai 於最後一輪賽事中切球上十號洞果嶺
Aaron Rai on the 12th Hole in the Final Round.
Aaron Rai 與球員前往十二號洞
Aaron Rai with the Honma Hong Kong Open Trophy after winning the 2018 Honma Hong Kong Open.
Aaron Rai 手持得獎獎杯於十八洞湖邊拍照留念
A very serious Aaron Rai during his Press Conference after winning the 2018 Honma Hong Kong Open.
一面嚴肅的Aaron Rai 在記者會會上細說得獎感受
A happy Aaron Rai pictured with the Hong Kong Golf Association's President Nishi Yoshihiro & Vice President Kenneth Lam as well as Matthew Cheung the leading Hong Kong Player at the 2018 Honma Hong Kong Open Presentation.
一臉喜悦的Aaron Rai 與中國香港高爾夫球總會會長西剛弘先生、副會長林詩健先生及最佳香港業餘球手張雄𤋮於頒獎禮後合照留念
